To install Buzz, download the latest version for your operating system. Buzz is available on Mac (Intel), Windows, and Linux. (For Apple Silicon, please see the App Store version.)
macOS (Intel, macOS 11.7 and later)
Install via brew:
brew install --cask buzz
Alternatively, download and run the Buzz-x.y.z.dmg
For Mac Silicon (and for a better experience on Mac Intel), download Buzz Captions on the App Store.
Windows (Windows 10 and later)
Download and run the Buzz-x.y.z.exe
Buzz is available as a Flatpak or a Snap.
To install flatpak, run:
flatpak install flathub io.github.chidiwilliams.Buzz
To install snap, run:
sudo apt-get install libportaudio2 libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk3-module
sudo snap install buzz
sudo snap connect buzz:password-manager-service
Alternatively, on Ubuntu 20.04 and later, install the dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libportaudio2
Then, download and extract the Buzz-x.y.z-unix.tar.gz
pip install buzz-captions
python -m buzz