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File Import

To import a file:

  • Click Import Media File on the File menu (or the '+' icon on the toolbar, or Command/Ctrl + O).
  • Choose an audio or video file.
  • Select a task, language, and the model settings.
  • Click Run.
  • When the transcription status shows 'Completed', double-click on the row (or select the row and click the '⤢' icon) to open the transcription.
Export As"TXT", "SRT", "VTT""TXT"Export file format
Word-Level TimingsOff / OnOffIf checked, the transcription will generate a separate subtitle line for each word in the audio. Enabled only when "Export As" is set to "SRT" or "VTT".
Extract speechOff / OnOffIf checked, speech will be extracted to a separate audio tack to improve accuracy. Available since 1.3.0.

(See the Live Recording section for more information about the task, language, and quality settings.)

Media File Import on Buzz