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File Import

To import a file:

  • Click Import Media File on the File menu (or the '+' icon on the toolbar, or Command/Ctrl + O).
  • Choose an audio or video file.
  • Select a task, language, and the model settings.
  • Click Run.
  • When the transcription status shows 'Completed', double-click on the row (or select the row and click the '⤢' icon) to open the transcription.
Export As"TXT", "SRT", "VTT""TXT"Export file format
Word-Level TimingsOff / OnOffIf checked, the transcription will generate a separate subtitle line for each word in the audio. Enabled only when "Export As" is set to "SRT" or "VTT".

(See the Live Recording section for more information about the task, language, and quality settings.)

Media File Import on Buzz